Dust Mite Allergens: Mitigation and Control


Enrique Fernández-Caldas, PhD

Director, Research & Development




In recent years greater attention has been given to the role of indoor allergens as a cause of sensitization and allergic respiratory diseases. Although indoor allergen control measures to reduce symptoms in individuals allergic to mites have produced controversial results, environmental allergen avoidance is today one of the 4 primary goals of asthma management recommended in several guidelines of asthma treatment. Exposure to high indoor aeroallergen levels, especially to house dust mite allergens, is an important environmental risk factor for allergic sensitization and the subsequent development and exacerbation of asthma. Therefore, effective aeroallergen avoidance is of use to prevent and treat allergic diseases.

Although endotoxin exposure may be protective in early life, it has been demonstrated that the inhalation of endotoxin may exacerbate asthma in house dust mite sensitized patients with established. Mite allergic asthmatic patients should be aware of the dangerous combination of mite allergen exposure associated with high endotoxin levels in house dust. These two immunologically active substances have been associated with severe asthma and seasonal exacerbation of symptoms.

Effective house dust mite allergen avoidance will never be achieved using a single control measure; various methods are required to affect the multiple factors which facilitate high indoor allergen levels. Education of the patients and their family is also important component of environmental control strategies.



Asthma morbidity and mortality has increased over the past 2 decades in all age groups but especially in children residing in inner city apartments in the USA, where hygiene conditions could be less than desirable. The prevalence of asthma is increasing in both, the USA and Europe. These changes have been too rapid to be associated with genetic modifications and, apparently, this increment cannot be attributed to variations in diagnostic criteria. The reasons for this trend may include inappropriate medication use, poor access to quality medical care and environmental factors, such as increased exposure to indoor and outdoor pollutants and environmental allergen exposure. There is also emerging evidence that exposure early in life to endotoxin may drive the development of the immune system away from the Th2-mediated allergy and asthma phenotype. The “Hygiene Hypothesis” proposes that overcrowding and unhygienic contacts in early life may protect from atopic diseases by facilitating exposure to microbes[1]. Studies have recently shown that among subjects exposed early in life to other children at home, or at day care, the risk of wheezing steadily declined with age to levels significantly lower than controls. A lower prevalence of atopic sensitization among children raised in farms has also been reported[2]. However, it has also been demonstrated that asthmatic individuals allergic to house dust mites when exposed to endotoxin and (1-3)-b-D-glucans experience an exacerbation of their clinical symptoms of asthma[3],[4],[5]. Daycare centers may also contain detectable levels indoor allergens, such as cat, and a recent study has shown high mite allergen levels in daycare centers in Florida[6].

Sensitization to indoor aeroallergens is more important for the development of asthma than sensitization to outdoor allergens. Studies have shown that the risk for development of asthma is greater in children who live in homes with high mite allergen levels during the first year of life[7]. Moreover, at higher levels of exposure, children develop more severe and earlier symptoms. Recently, a study of children living at high altitude with low levels of house dust mite allergens failed to demonstrate any significant decrease in the development of asthma[8]. In these areas, where house dust mite concentrations are low, asthma and airway hyperresponsiveness tend to better correlate with sensitization to pets[9] and molds[10],[11].

A meta-analysis has recently attempted to determine whether mite sensitive asthmatics benefit from measures designed to reduce their exposure to dust mite allergen in homes[12]. It concluded that current chemical and physical methods aimed at reducing exposure to dust mite allergens seem to be ineffective and cannot be recommended for mite sensitive asthmatics. Only 4 of 23 trials achieved a reduction in mites/allergen levels and were sufficiently long to show an effect on outcomes and showed evidence of clinical benefit[13].

Allergen avoidance for children should begin as early as possible, even before birth, especially if one of the parents is allergic. Some studies suggest that avoidance of ingested and inhaled allergens and tobacco smoke delay the onset of allergy and allergy associated diseases, including asthma[14],[15]. It has also been shown that admission of dust mite sensitive asthmatics to a hospital with low mite allergen levels decreases bronchial hyperreactivity[16]. A pronounced improvement in nonspecific airways responsiveness has also been shown after allergen avoidance, suggesting a reduction in airway inflammation following avoidance of aeroallergens[17],[18],[19].

Although indoor allergen control measures to reduce symptoms in individuals allergic to mites have produced controversial results, environmental allergen avoidance is today one of the 4 primary goals of asthma management recommended in several guidelines of asthma treatment. Exposure to high indoor aeroallergen levels, especially to house dust mite allergens, is an important environmental risk factor for allergic sensitization and the subsequent development and exacerbation of asthma. Therefore, effective aeroallergen avoidance is of use to prevent and treat allergic diseases. This subject has been reviewed extensively in recent publications[20],[21],[22].


House dust mite and asthma

In 1921, Kern[23] reported an association between asthma and house dust sensitization. However, it was not until the 1960s when the importance of house dust mites of the genus Dermatophagoides was established as the main source of house dust allergens in Holland[24] and in Japan[25]. House dust is the main reservoir of indoor allergens. It is comprised of a variety of inorganic and organic matter, the latter of which includes fibers, mold spores and debris, bacteria, pollen grains, insects and insect feces, mammalian danders, and mites and mite feces.

The term "indoor allergen" applies to a variety of allergens, which occur within human dwellings. Indoor allergens are byproducts of living organisms such as cats, dogs and other pets, as well as insects, molds, bacteria and mites. Allergenic substances can be found in most familiar and occupational environments. Immunochemical methods have been developed to identify and estimate their concentrations in the air and in settled dust[26],[27]. These techniques help to understand the natural distribution of airborne, or settled indoor allergens and determine concentrations, which are associated with sensitization, or allergic respiratory symptoms.

In recent years, homes have been carpeted, heated, cooled and/or humidified to make them more energy efficient, which has provided an ideal habitat for dust mites and cockroaches, and mold and bacteria in air conditioning ducts. These all play a role in sensitizing home dwellers, in particular, those with an atopic background. The adjuvant effect of some bacterial products, such as endotoxins must also be considered.

House dust mites are the main source of indoor allergens worldwide. Allergic asthma, rhinitis and conjunctivitis, diseases caused by sensitization and exposure to airborne allergens, have been associated with the inhalation of house dust mite allergens. Symptoms produced by the inhalation of house dust allergens vary from mild irritation to severe bronchoconstriction, or incapacitating disease. It has been estimated that 40-80% of all the asthmatic individuals are sensitized to one or more of these house dust allergens. In tropical and subtropical climates, sensitization to several species of mites in asthmatic children can be greater than 90%[28]. High specific IgE titers to mite, cat and cockroach allergens are also highly prevalent among asthmatic individuals treated in emergency rooms in the southeastern United States  and the Caribbean[29],[30],[31],[32].

The association between exposure to some allergens and symptoms may be obvious, especially with cats and other mammalian species. However, the association between exposure to house dust mites and symptoms is not as clear. Even so, many house dust allergic individuals with perennial allergic rhinitis and or asthma note exacerbation of symptoms while exposed to house dust. Exacerbation of atopic dermatitis (eczema) has also been associated with sensitization to house dust mites. The World Health Organization has recognized house dust mite allergy as a universal health problem[33]. The clinical importance and major health and economic problems caused by these tiny arthropods far outweigh their size.

There is good evidence that sensitization to house dust mites is a major independent risk factor for asthma in all areas where climate is conducive to support mite population growth[34],[35],[36]. For other allergens, the relationship depends mainly on the climate, and socio-economic characteristics of the community. It has been demonstrated that there is a significant dose-response relationship between exposure to mite allergens and subsequent sensitization[37],[38],[39]. Another important consideration is that many important mite allergens are potent enzymes. A recent study has suggested that exposure to house dust mite antigen can induce airway epithelial shedding even in subjects with low eosinophil airway infiltration, thus supporting the idea that epithelial damage in asthmatics sensitized to Dermatophagoides may be due to a proteolytic activity of the mite allergens[40].


Mite Taxonomy

Mites and ticks comprise a large group of arthropods belonging to the subclass Acari of the class Arachnida. They are distinguished from insects because the adult stage has four pairs of legs.  Mites vary considerably in their anatomy and habitat; some feed on plants while others have developed complex parasitic relationships with other animals. More than 30,000 species have been identified. Their life cycle consists of egg, larvae, one to three nymphal stages and adult stage. Their digestive system is completely developed and produces spherical fecal pellets measuring 10-40 µm in diameter. They lack a closed body fluid circuit and their respiration is cutaneous with the skin serving as a barrier through which both gas and water vapor are exchanged.

The order Astigmata is divided into two suborder, Acaridia and Soroptidia (parasitic mites). Generally, all the Astigmata mites, which in the adult stage live in association with insects, vertebrate, or other animals, are included in the suborder Acaridia. Free-living Astigmata commonly occur in decaying organic matter and in nests of birds, insects, and mammals. Many of these mites infest stored foods and certain species are of economical importance because they may inflict serious damage to stored grains. Several species in this group are capable of producing IgE mediated respiratory allergic diseases and contact dermatitis and have heteromorphic deutonynphs (hypopus) which invade hair follicles or subcutaneous tissues of mammals or birds and cause cutaneous reactions. It has been estimated that 34 genera of 10 families of the order Astigmata can be found in stored products and/or house dust[41]. The family Pyroglyphidae consists of 47 species in 17 genera. Most live in nests of birds and small mammals but 11 species in 5 different genera are found in house and mattress dust of which Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Figure 1), D. farinae and Euroglyphus maynei are the most important.

Storage mites normally inhabit stored food and hay and require abundant food and humidity for survival. The most common species belong to the genera Tyrophagus, Tyreophagus, Glycyphagus, Acarus, Lepidoglyphus, Chortoglyphus, Carpoglyphus, Aleuroglyphus, Suidasia, Blomia and Tarsonemus. These mites usually found in stored grain, barns, hay and straw, have also been identified in house dust. Allergic rhinitis, contact dermatitis, urticaria and asthma have been associated with storage mites. Another mite species, which seems to be of clinical importance, is Blomia tropicalis. B. tropicalis is a domestic mite commonly found in tropical and subtropical environments. B. tropicalis can be considered as a mite of clinical importance, especially in tropical and subtropical countries, where this mite is endemic,[42],[43].  House dust and storage mites that are found in house dust have received the denomination of domestic mites. Recently, mites have also been implicated in several cases of idiopathic anaphylaxis in mite allergic patients after eating mite infested foods. These facts extend the scope of environmental control beyond house dust and it is recommended that flour, or any other material susceptible of being contaminated with mites, should be kept refrigerated[44],[45].


Ecology of house dust mites

Mites feed on human and animal skin scales and can be found in carpets, on floors, in mattresses, pillows, overstuffed furniture, soft toys[46], clothing[47], human scalps[48] and stored food40. The relative humidity (RH) is the most important abiotic factor influencing the reproduction, survival, geographical distribution and seasonal fluctuations of domestic mites. The water loss of the mite body conditions colonization and population growth. House dust mites are capable of extracting water vapor from unsaturated air by means of a hygroscopic salt solution in the supracoxal gland. This can only happen if the absolute indoor humidity is above 7-8 g/m3 (equivalent to approximately 50% relative humidity at 20ş C). If the humidity falls below this critical level, the salts crystallize, block the entrance of the gland and slow down the rate of dehydration. At lower humidity, they dehydrate and die. The process of water uptake also depends on the temperature. D. farinae maintains water balance and survives at relative humidities of about 45% at 25ş C, and 65% at 30ş C. This ability to survive at relative humidities below saturation accounts for their successful colonization of human dwellings. Since house dust mites cannot regulate internal body temperature, at low temperatures egg production and population growth declines and mortality rates and the duration of the life cycle increases. Altitude also effects their survival, but this is due to the effects of altitude on temperature and humidity rather than the altitude itself. In Switzerland and France, above 1,200 meters, the numbers and species of mites decrease due to lower temperatures and absolute humidity. Mite allergic asthmatics transferred to such high altitude environments have shown clear and objective signs of improvement[49]. This latter study clearly shows that allergen avoidance in asthmatic children not only decreases nonspecific bronchial hyperresponsiveness, but also decreases allergen sensitivity, late allergen-induced bronchial reactions, and enhancement of bronchial hyperreactivity by allergen challenge.

Although house dust mites are considered perennial allergens, marked seasonal variations in house dust populations do exist. The abundance of house dust mites in homes in temperate regions exhibit a seasonal change, with the peak occurring during the summer and the lowest density during the late winter months. Several studies in the United States have demonstrated a seasonal rise in mite numbers, which correlated with increases in humidity,[50],[51]. These studies, conducted in Ohio and Virginia have demonstrated an increase in mite numbers and mite allergen levels during the summer months. Mite allergen levels were determined monthly for one year in 12 homes in Central Virginia. This study demonstrated that more than twenty fold variations in allergen content can occur in house dust samples collected in various sites in homes of allergic or not allergic individuals. Mite allergen levels started to increase in July and from August to December, allergen levels were significantly higher than in April to May. This study also demonstrated that mite allergen levels remained high even after a decline in the mite population, especially in sofas. Arlian et al. studied 5 homes in Ohio and demonstrated that seasonal fluctuations in mite numbers were significantly correlated with the changes in relative humidity (p < 0.01). Mite population declined during the fall and was lowest during December through April. Based on this data, it seems logical that the winter and early spring are the best times of the year to aggressively clean mattress and carpets to kill the few mites which survived the late fall and winter and reduce the chances of a large infestation during the summer months. To the best of my knowledge no studies have contemplated the convenience of introducing aggressive environmental control measures depending on the month of the year and the life cycle of the mite population in the home. Theoretically, the efficacy of acaricides would be better when treating a smaller population of mites in the carpet.


Mite Allergens

Mite allergens are present in mite bodies, secreta and excreta. It has been demonstrated that mite faeces are an important source of allergens and that 95% of the allergen accumulated in mite cultures is derived from fecal particles[52]. The nature of the exposure causing airway disease is not clear in many cases, but, in the case of mites, it has been proposed that relatively small numbers of intact or fragmented fecal (mite) particles may enter the respiratory tract during sleep and, occasionally, during routine household activities[53],[54]. Bronchial lavage fluid obtained from individuals living in environments with high Der p 1 concentrations in settled dust (above 10 µg/gm) contained detectable but low concentration of this allergen (0.17 ± 0.03 ng/ml)[55]. There is good evidence that settled dust levels above 2 µg/g are associated with sensitization in children, although lower levels have also been proposed.

In the last years, several mite allergens have been purified by conventional methods or produced as recombinant proteins. Sequence similarity searches have identified the biological function of many cloned allergens. Mite allergens are grouped based on heir chronological characterization or homology with Dermatophagoides allergens. A list of these allergens is shown in Table 1.

The Group 1 contains 25 kDa glycoproteins with sequence homology and thiol protease function similar to the enzymes papain, bromelain, ficin, actinidin and cathepsin H and B (19-21). Der p 1 and Der f 1 have a 81% sequence homology. Group 1 allergens are cysteine proteases, which can cleave the low affinity IgE receptor (CD23) from the surface of human B cell lymphocytes[56]. This receptor is also present on eosinophils, follicular dendritic cells, macrophages and platelets. Because soluble CD23 promotes IgE production, it is hypothesized that fragments of CD23 released by Der p 1 may enhance IgE synthesis. It has also been suggested that Der p 1 cleaves the a subunit of the IL-2 receptor (IL-2R or CD25) from the surface of human peripheral blood T cells and, as a result, these cells show markedly diminished proliferation and interferon g secretion in response to potent stimulation by anti-CD3 antibody[57]. The authors conclude that since IL-2R is pivotal for the propagation of Th1 cells, its cleavage by Der p 1 may consequently bias the immune response towards Th2 cells. The cleavage of CD23 and CD25 by Der p 1 enhances its allergenicity by creating an allergic microenvironment[58].

More recent studies have demonstrated that the proteolytic activity of the major dust mite allergen Der p 1 enhances the IgE antibody response to bystander antigens. It has been suggested that the cysteine protease activity of the major dust mite allergen Der p 1 seems to selectively enhance the immunoglobulin E antibody response and that the proteolytic activity of the major mite allergen Der p 1 conditions T cells to produce more IL-4 and less IFN-gamma[59],[60]. Other group 1 allergens include Eur m 1 from E. maynei, Der s 1 from D. siboney and Der m 1 from D. microceras.


Endotoxin and house dust mite allergens

Microbial organisms present in house dust may induce pulmonary and systemic symptoms upon inhalation. Bacterial lipopolysaccharide is a major component of the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria, responsible for toxic manifestations of severe gram negative infections and generalized inflammation. Animal studies have suggested that the effects of endotoxin may be mediated via proinflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin 6, TNF-a and INF-g. Macrophages exposed to picogram quantities of endotoxin produce TNF-a, IL-1 and IL-6 and platelet activating factor (PAF). These potent mediators activate other immune effector cells. Endotoxin are also potent adjuvants for humoral and cellular immunity. After a primary exposure, a subsequent exposure to inflammatory agents can cause a ten-fold greater release of inflammatory mediators. After inhalation, endotoxin causes an airway response and an increase in airway responsiveness[61]. Inhaled endotoxin produces a dose-related bronchoconstriction which develops 4 to 6 hours after exposure, which is more accentuated among patients with hyperresponsive airways. Michel et al. showed that endotoxin and not dust mite antigen levels correlated with severity of asthma[62],[63]. The article by Rizzo et al.3, which evaluated endotoxin and Der p 1 exposure in asthmatic children in Sao Paolo, Brasil is agreement with these studies. The highest endotoxin levels were detected in January and November, whereas the lowest levels were detected in April and August (p < 0.05), demonstrating a distinct seasonal distribution. The highest Der p 1 levels in bedding were observed in July and the lowest in February (p < 0.05). Symptom and medication scores were evaluated monthly in the group of asthmatic children. There was a significant correlation (p < 0.05, r = 0.63) between clinical symptom scores and ET exposure, however no significant correlation was found for mite exposure (p > 0.05, r = 0.19). The results suggested that ET exposure exacerbates asthmatic symptoms in mite allergic, asthmatic children.

Endotoxin exposure may be protective in early life, but a risk factor later on in patients with established disease and sensitized to house dust mites. Mite allergic asthmatic patients need to be aware of the dangerous combination of high mite allergen levels associated with high endotoxin levels in house dust. The presence of these to two immunologically active substances has been shown to be associated with severe asthma and seasonal exacerbation of symptoms. The strongest predictor of endotoxin levels in homes is the presence of a dog[64]. High levels of Dermatophagoides species are not strong predictors[65] and it seems that they are mutually exclusive since house dust mite cultures do not contain high levels of endotoxin. However, reported mold and the use of cool mist humidifiers has been associated with increased endotoxin levels[66], whereas the use of dehumidifiers is associated with decreased endotoxin levels in family room air64. Cigarette smoke does also contain high levels of endotoxin[67]. Two very good review articles have been published recently on the subject of endotoxin, allergy and asthma[68],[69].

Since the frequency and severity of asthma in both atopic children and adults correlates with home dampness and endotoxin concentrations in house dust, environmental control measures should aim at a reduction of mite numbers and endotoxin levels in homes. Based on the above mentioned studies, it is clear that a reduction in humidity throughout the home, the use of dehumidifiers, which have shown efficacy in reducing mite numbers[70],[71], the removal of carpets and other dust reservoirs, the proper covering of mattresses and pillows, washing bed linen and blankets in hot water and prohibiting cigarette smoking in the home would have an effect on mite numbers and endotoxin levels. Other factors such the seasonal variations in endotoxin levels, the use of disinfectants to prevent colonization of gram negative Bacteria, the identification of the main sources of endotoxins, indoors or outdoors, and the understanding of ways by which they are dispersed into the air need to be further evaluated.


Environmental Control Measures

Environmental control of indoor allergens is currently a controversial subject, especially after the publication of the Cochrane meta-analysis. It is increasingly evident that allergen avoidance is becoming more species specific. What works for mites may not necessarily mean that it works for cats or cockroaches. The methods for the prevention and control of indoor allergens have not been adequately evaluated, and in most cases there are no approved standards for the majority of suspected allergens, or adjuvants. Additional information is needed about the dynamics of production of indoor allergens, decay rates, and environmental factors that promote or create the sources of indoor allergens. Environmental control depends on such knowledge. Determination of the threshold concentrations that cause symptoms and sensitization is needed to devise and evaluate control methods. Each indoor environment is unique, and indoor allergen levels may vary from room to room. Therefore recommendations on environmental control measures are usually incomplete and less effective without a thorough investigation of the entire building. Repairing humidity problems also seem of critical importance.

Allergen avoidance trials have been conducted almost entirely with patients who are allergic to house dust mites. Positive trials have involved moving patients to isolated environments with very low mite allergen levels. Trials involving the modification of home environments have been less consistent[72],[73]. Trials differ considerably in methodology and therefore, it is difficult to group them and evaluate a given strategy in a reproducible manner. Trials, which achieved mite or mite allergen reduction demonstrated improvements in either asthma symptoms or airway hyperresponsiveness. In other trials, mite allergen levels were not reduced significantly and symptoms were unchanged.



Successful studies on dust avoidance have used rigid avoidance measures in bedrooms, including removal of carpets, covering of mattresses, and regular washing of bedding in hot water. A successful mite control program should combine the killing of mites and the removal, immobilization, or denaturation of mite allergens throughout the house and it should achieve and maintain a major reduction in allergen levels and be sufficiently long to have an adequate effect. Studies have shown that high mite allergens concentrations are present in sofas and carpets outside the bedroom, and that allergen levels remain high throughout the year. Therefore, house dust mite control should include all the rooms of the home and a thorough cleaning of the sofas. At present, the reduction of dust mite allergen level required to achieve clinical improvement has not been determined, although a significant reductions is needed. Effective house dust mite allergen avoidance will never be achieved using a single control measure; various methods are required to affect the multiple factors which facilitate high indoor allergen levels. Education of the patients and their family, also seems an important component of environmental control strategies[74].



[1] Matricardi PM, Ronchetti R. Are infections protecting from atopy? Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 2001 Oct;1(5):413-9.

[2] Filipiak B, Heinrich J, Schafer T, Ring J, Wichmann HE. Farming, rural lifestyle and atopy in adults from southern Germany--results from the MONICA/KORA study Augsburg. Clin Exp Allergy. 2001 Dec;31(12):1829-38.

(*) This study suggests that a farming environment and rural lifestyle might be associated with unknown protective factors impacting the prevalence of allergies. Reported allergic rhinitis with sensitization to pollen was 2.5 times (95% CI: 1.8-3.6) more prevalent in urban than in rural residents.

[3] Rizzo MC, Naspitz CK, Fernández-Caldas E, Lockey RF, Mimica I, Sole D. Endotoxin exposure and symptoms in asthmatic children. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 1997;8(3):121-6.

[4] Douwes J, Zuidhof A, Doekes G, van der Zee SC, Wouters I, Boezen MH, Brunekreef B. (1-->3)-beta-D-glucan and endotoxin in house dust and peak flow variability in children. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2000 Oct;162(4 Pt 1):1348-54.

(*)This study would be the first to show a relation between indoor (1 3)--bD-glucan exposure and PEF variability as an objective marker of respiratory health. This association was found primarily in atopic, asthmatic children who thus seem to be more susceptible to (1-3)-b-D-glucan (or to fungi, if glucan was mainly a marker of fungi).

[5] Park JH, Gold DR, Spiegelman DL, et al: House dust endotoxin and wheeze in the first year of life. Am J Respir & Crit Care Med 2001, 163(2):322-328.

[6] Fernández-Caldas E, Codina R, Ledford DK, Trudeau WL, Lockey RF. House dust mite, cat, and cockroach allergen concentrations in daycare centers in Tampa, Florida. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2001 Sep;87(3):196-200.

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[12] Gotzsche PC, Hammarquist C, Burr M. House dust mite control measures in the management of asthma: meta- analysis. BMJ 1998;317:1105-10.

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(**)The findings in this study indicate that short-term, rigorous allergen avoidance can improve the long-term control of severe asthma over and above what can be achieved even by high doses of inhaled steroids.

[20] Eggleston PA, Bush RK. Environmental allergen avoidance: An overview. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2001; 107:S403-S405.

[21] Arlian LG, Platts-Mills TAE. The biology of dust mites and the remediation of mite allergens in allergic disease. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2001; 107:S406-S413.

(**) Important review article summarizing the latest developments in the control of house dust mites and their allergens.

[22] Tovey E, Marks G. Methods and effectiveness of environmental control. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1999; 103:179-91.

(*) Important review where the most common and effective environmental control methods for different allergens are discussed.

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[40] Piacentini GL, Vicentini L, Mazzi P, Chilosi M, Martinati L, Boner AL. Mite-antigen avoidance can reduce bronchial epithelial shedding in allergic asthmatic children. Clin Exp Allergy 1998 May;28(5):561-7

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[42] Stanaland BE, Fernández-Caldas E, Jacinto CM, Trudeau WL, Lockey RF. Positive nasal challenge responses to Blomia tropicalis. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1996;97(5):1045-9.

(*) First article to clearly demonstrate the clinical significance of the mite Blomia tropicalis in the United States of America.

[43] Arlian LG, Vyszenski-Moher DL, Fernández-Caldas E. Allergenicity of the mite, Blomia tropicalis. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1993 May;91(5):1042-50.

[44] Sánchez-Borges M, Capriles-Hulett A, Fernández-Caldas E, Suárez-Chacón R, Caballero F, Castillo S, Sotillo E. Mite-contaminated foods as a cause of anaphylaxis. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1997 Jun;99(6 Pt 1):738-43.

[45] Blanco C, Quiralte J, Castillo R, Delgado J, Arteaga C, Barber D, Carrillo T. Anaphylaxis after ingestion of wheat flour contaminated with mites. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1997 Mar;99(3):308-13.

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[47] Tovey ER, Mahmic A, McDonald LG. Clothing, an important source of mite allergen exposure. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1995 Dec;96(6 Pt 1):999-1001.

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[49] Peroni DG, Boner AL, Vallone G, Antolini I, Warner JO. Effective allergen avoidance at high altitude reduces allergen-induced bronchial hyperresponsiveness. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1994 Jun;149(6):1442-6.

[50] Arlian LG, Bernstein IL, Gallagher JS. The prevalence of house dust mites, Dermatophagoides spp., and associated environmental conditions in homes in Ohio. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1982;69:527-532.

[51] Platts-Mills TAE, Hayden ML, Chapman MD, Wilkins SR. Seasonal variation in dust mite and grass-pollen allergens in dust from the houses of patients with asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1987;79:781-91.

[52] Tovey ER, Chapman MD, Platts-Mills TA. Mite faeces are a major source of house dust allergens. Nature. 1981 Feb 12;289(5798):592-3.

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[54] Poulos LM, O'Meara TJ, Sporik R, Tovey ER. Detection of inhaled Der p 1. Clin Exp Allergy 1999;29(9):1232-8.

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[57]Schulz O, Sewell HF, Shakib F. Proteolytic cleavage of CD25, the µ subunit of the human T cell Interleukin 2 receptor, by Der p 1, a major mite allergen with cystein protease activity. J Exp Med 1998;187(2)271-275.

[58] Shakib F, Schulz O, Sewell H. A mite subversive: cleavage of CD23 and CD25 by Der p 1 enhances allergenicity. Immunology Today 1998;19(7):313-316.

[59] Gough L, Sewell HF, Shakib F. The proteolytic activity of the major dust mite allergen Der p 1 enhances the IgE antibody response to a bystander antigen. Clin Exp Allergy. 2001 Oct;31(10):1594-8.

(**) The demonstration that the proteolytic activity of Der p 1 enhances total IgE production, apart from increasing Der p 1-specific IgE, suggests that this allergen may have an IgE-specific adjuvant effect. The findings in the paper show that the proteolytic activity of Der p 1 leads to the augmentation of IgE antibody responses to itself and to other allergens present in the microenvironment.


[60] Ghaemmaghami AM, Robins A, Gough L, Sewell HF, Shakib F. Human T cell subset commitment determined by the intrinsic property of antigen: the proteolytic activity of the major mite allergen Der p 1 conditions T cells to produce more IL-4 and less IFN-gamma. Eur J Immunol. 2001 Apr;31(4):1211-6.

(**)This study demonstrates for the first time that the proteolytic activity of Der p 1 biases human CD4 and CD8 T cells towards a type 2 cytokine profile. It provides compelling evidence for the role of the proteolytic activity of Der p 1 in creating a microenvironment conducive for IgE synthesis.


[61] Michel O, Duchateau J, Sergysels R. Effect of inhaled endotoxin on bronchial reactivity in asthmatic and normal subjects. J Appl Physiol. 1989 Mar;66(3):1059-64.

[62] Michel O, Ginanni R, Duchateau J, Vertongen F, Le Bon B, Sergysels R. Domestic endotoxin exposure and clinical severity of asthma. Clin Exp Allergy. 1991 Jul;21(4):441-8.

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[64] Park JH, Spiegelman DL, Gold DR, Burge HA, Milton DK. Predictors of airborne endotoxin in the home. Environ Health Perspect 2001;109:859-64.

(*) This study identifies home characteristics associated with the level of airborne endotoxin in 111 Boston-area homes. Airborne endotoxin in Boston-area homes appears to be determined by the presence of dogs, moisture sources, and increased amounts of settled dust.

[65] Bellanti JA, Zeligs BJ, MacDowell-Carneiro AL, Abaci AS, Genuardi JA. Study of the effects of vacuuming on the concentration of dust mite antigen and endotoxin. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2000;84:249-54.

[66] Park JH, Spiegelman DL, Burge HA, Gold DR, Chew GL, Milton DK. Longitudinal study of dust and airborne endotoxin in the home. Environ Health Perspect 2000;108:1023-8.

(**) This study demonstrated that airborne endotoxin was significantly and positively associated with absolute humidity and implies that indoor humidity may be an important factor controlling endotoxin exposure.


[67] Hasday JD, Bascom R, Costa JJ, Fitzgerald T, Dubin W. Bacterial endotoxin is an active component of cigarette smoke. Chest 1999;115:829-35.

[68] Reed CE, Milton DK. Endotoxin-stimulated innate immunity: A contributing factor for asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2001 Aug;108(2):157-66. Review.

(**) Clear discussion of the different roles of endotoxin in respiratory diseases. Airborne endotoxin adversely affects patients with asthma in 3 ways: (1) by increasing the severity of the airway inflammation; (2) by increasing the susceptibility to rhinovirus-induced colds; and (3) by causing chronic bronchitis and emphysema with development of irreversible airway obstruction after chronic exposure of adults. The authors conclude that the most effective management is mitigating exposure.


[69] Liu AH. Endotoxin exposure in allergy and asthma: reconciling a paradox. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2002 Mar;109(3):379-92.

(**) This article clearly addresses the issues on how endotoxin can increase disease severity by acting as a natural adjuvant to augment asthma and atopic inflammation. 


[70] Arlian LG. Dust mites: update on their allergens and control. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. 2001 Nov;1(6):581-6.

[71] Arlian LG, Neal JS, Morgan MS, Vyszenski-Moher DL, Rapp CM, Alexander AK. Reducing relative humidity is a practical way to control dust mites and their allergens in homes in temperate climates. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2001 Jan;107(1):99-104.

(*)This study showed that it is practical to maintain an indoor RH of less than 51% during the humid summer season in a temperate climate, and this resulted in significant reductions in mite and allergen levels.

[72] Colloff MJ, Ayres J, Carswell F, Howarth PH, Merrett TG, Mitchell EB, Walshaw MJ, Warner JO, Warner Jill A, Woodcock AA. The control of dust mites and domestic pets. A position paper. Clin Exp Allergy 1992;22 (suppl):1-28.

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